Ukrainization for Ukraine

Ukrainization is the basis of the foundations of systemic change in Ukraine.

As the state in Ukraine clings to the old and inefficient coordinate system – the remnants of the authoritarian-totalitarian system and the administrative-command system of government – there is no point in pinning hopes on Ukrainization and systemic change “from above.” This is a hopeless case.

Under these conditions, Ukrainization and systemic changes can and should be carried out by the forces of Ukrainian society: first by uniting its active, passionate part, and then by mobilizing the national consciousness and civic responsibility to mobilize the potential of the whole society.

As a result of this approach, Ukrainian society is transforming the social system and system of government on its own, ie it will change the state as well.

Here is a summary of our vision of HOW to do this:

1. Establish and form the MOVEMENT FOR UKRAINIZATION.

In every city, town and village there are people who welcome this idea.

Get organized and explain first to your (members of the organization) that:

  • Ukrainization is not about forcing waiters, cashiers, janitors, etc. speak Ukrainian;
  • Ukrainization is not about spreading the Ukrainian language to all spheres of life.

Ukrainization is:

  • awakening of national consciousness and civic responsibility of Ukrainian society;
  • transition to a social order (system) based on national traditions and customs;
  • transition to a system of government based on national traditions and customs.

2. Organize a network of Ukrainian studies circles, seminars, schools, universities, which through education and education will bring Ukrainian knowledge and the Ukrainian language to the masses.

Subordinate to the Movement and transform for its needs “Enlightenment”, the network of the society “Knowledge” and other educational networks.

Come to school. Not through the structures of the Ministry of Education and Science, but informally – through teachers and parent committees.

At the same time, do not succumb to the influence of radicals, but also do not indulge indifferent Ukrainians.
Radical provocateurs must be exposed and rid of. The energy of Ukrainian-centric radicals must be directed in the right direction.

3. Establish Ukrainian-centric media, unite them into a system capable of providing effective informational and explanatory work, Ukrainianization of the information space, raising national consciousness and civic responsibility of society. Do your best to make the media system an effective tool for shaping Ukrainian-centric public opinion as a “fourth power.”

4. Establish Ukraine-centric influence on religious communities through your members and supporters.

Meanwhile, the Movement for Ukrainization will become the ground on which to germinate:

  1. Draft large-scale program of Ukrainization.
  2. Ukrainian national idea.
  3. Ukraine-centric ideological platforms.
  4. Two – three Ukrainian-centric ideological parties.
  5. Development strategy of Ukraine for decades to come.

And many other important and useful things for the successful development of Ukraine, and thus opportunities for the implementation of those individual ideas, already born in the minds of many talented Ukrainians.

With the effective combination of efforts and effective work in five years, worthy candidates for the presidency (or hetman) and other government positions will emerge from the Movement for Ukrainization through the above-mentioned Ukrainocentric parties, and you will not be ashamed of them.